This study identifies an information barrier methodology, formulated under a Sandia National Laboratories contract with the Zababakhin Russian Federal Nuclear Center (ZVNIITF), for possible application under a monitored warhead dismantlement regime. Under a bilateral warhead dismantlement treaty or agreement both parties would require a high level of confidence that the nuclear weapon is irreversibly dismantled and sensitive information is not disclosed. This study explores the need for multiple solutions to the information barrier issue based on the type of technology used to monitor the dismantlement process and type of data to be collected. In addition this study also noted that a verification measure may not only be associated to an electronic measurement but to also human review of procedures, physical observation of rooms, equipment and containers. Because of the multiple pathways that information can be collected, as part of treaty activities, the information barrier concept is a very complex issue. This initial study focused on an information barrier methodology for a radiation measurement technique used to monitor portions of a Russian warhead dismantlement process.