The Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory's (INEEL) Nuclear Non-Destructive Assay (NDA) program has instrumentation and mathematical/computer methods that impact every major facet of nuclear materials management. Using advanced coincidence counting methods, important information such as fissile isotope identification and volumetric characterization can be obtained from direct measurements. Safe, reliable application of reactor technologies and safe, efficient spent nuclear fuel management, interim storage, and permanent disposal preparation are possible by using arrays of detectors packaged in an apparatus called the Multiple Detector Analysis System. The mathematical techniques and associated software developed for NDA applications provide \"packet information processing\" capability that can be employed by the Internal Revenue Service, credit card companies, on-line catalog companies, and detector calibration. A very important function incorporated in these techniques is the capacity for total measurement error analysis, which is crucial to certifying wastes for transportation and disposal. Possible other uses include detection of terrorist arms such as chemical and biological weapons, as well as illegal drugs and contraband for crime prevention.