Indonesia's Experience and Best Practices in Implementing its SSAC

Mutiara Solichah - Directorate for Inspection of Nuclear Installation and Nuclear Material Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency (BAPETEN)
A. Abidin - Directorate for Inspection of Nuclear Installation and Nuclear Material Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency (BAPETEN)
Indonesia has signed a comprehensive safeguards agreement with the IAEA in 1980 under INFCIR/283, subsequently, ratified the additional protocol of safeguards agreement in September 1999. Starting from August 2003, Indonesia became the third states in the world that implemented Integrated Safeguards. Nuclear activities in Indonesia are 1 MW TRIGA Mark Reactor (RIA-), and 100 KW TRIGA Mark Reactor (RIB-), 30 MW Multipurpose Reactor (RIC-), Radio metallurgy Installation (RIF-), Fuel Fabrication (RID- and RIE-), and Interim Storage for Spent Fuel (RIG-). BAPETEN as the national authority body in Indonesia of which one of the functions is to prevent the diversion of the nuclear material utilization, has issued a BAPETEN regulation No. 2/2005 on State’s System of Accounting for and Control of (SSAC) Nuclear Material. BAPETEN regulation No. 9/2006 on Implementation of Additional Protocol regulates the Additional Protocol (AP) of Safeguards Agreement. One of the terms in the regulations is timeline of reporting system; these regulations stipulate that the time limit for the facility to report SSAC reports and AP declarations is shorter than the IAEA’s requirement, enabling BAPETEN to perform a concise review of the reports before sending the reports to the IAEA. BAPETEN’s regulatory, administrative and control role is performed through licensing and inspections providing the establishment of all necessary requirements of nuclear material accounting and control. Any kind of nuclear material utilization requires BAPETEN license and each holder of such license must implement SSAC of nuclear material in question and a relevant system of physical protection. BAPETEN also issues license for qualified workers who in charge with nuclear material. In order to verify the implementation of Nuclear Material Accounting and Control in the facilities level, BAPETEN conducts routine inspections as well as short notice inspection to the facilities. As a part of international contribution, BAPETEN cooperates with IAEA by holding biannual Regional SSAC course for Asian countries. BAPETEN also cooperates with agencies such as US-DOE in order to enhance the implementation of SSAC and AP in Indonesia. This paper describes the experiences, challenges and best practice in implementing on State System of Accounting for and Control of Nuclear Material in Indonesia. Keywords: Nuclear material, nuclear activities, SSAC, Additional Protocol, licensing, inspection, regulation.