During the past 10 years of collaboration under the U.S.-Russian Materials Protection, Control and Accounting (MPC&A) Program great efforts were made to transform and upgrade the Russian Federal Nuclear Materials Control and Accounting (MC&A) System. The efforts were focused not only on MC&A systems for nuclear facilities but also on creating and developing the system infrastructure, including legislation, state inspection and agency monitoring, training of operators and inspectors, instrument and methodological support, and the Federal Information System (FIS). At present the most important and urgent goal is to provide sustainability of MC&A systems at the existing level or at the level that will be achieved in 2007-2008. Since the very beginning of the program, the Russian Methodological and Training Center (RMTC) activities have been focused on intensive training of the personnel as well as the methodological support necessary for transformation and development of the entire system and its elements located at nuclear facilities. Sustainability of the federal MC&A system is impossible without advanced training of personnel and methodological support for upgrading of system elements at nuclear facilities. That is why the RMTC sustainability is one of the key conditions required for the system sustainability as a whole. The paper presents the results of analysis of the conditions for the Russian MC&A system sustainable development in conjunction with the RMTC sustainability.