Chris Toomey - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Chris Odlaug - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
In 2008, the Standing Advisory Group on Safeguards Implementation (SAGSI) indicated that the International Atomic Energy Agency’s (IAEA) Safeguards Implementation Report (SIR) has not kept pace with the evolution of safeguards and provided the IAEA with a set of recommendations for improvement.ii The SIR is the primary mechanism for providing an overview of safeguards implementation in a given year and reporting on the annual safeguards findings and conclusions drawn by the Secretariat. As the IAEA transitions to State-level safeguards approaches, SIR reporting must adapt to reflect these evolutionary changes. This evolved report will better reflect the IAEA’s transition to a more qualitative and information- driven approach, based upon State-as-a-whole considerations. This paper applies SAGSI’s recommendations to the development of multiple models for an evolved SIR and finds that an SIR repurposed as a “safeguards portal” could significantly enhance information delivery, clarity, and transparency. In addition, this paper finds that the “portal concept” also appears to have value as a standardized information presentation and analysis platform for use by Country Officers, for continuity of knowledge purposes, and the IAEA Secretariat in the safeguards conclusion process. Accompanying this paper is a fully functional prototype of the “portal” concept, built using commercial software and IAEA Annual Report data.