The Multi-Group Analysis (MGA) code is widely used to determine nondestructively the relative isotopic abundances of plutonium by gamma-ray spectrometry. MGA users have expressed concern about the lack of flexibility and transparency in the code. Users often have to ask the code developers for modifications to the code to accommodate new measurement situations, such as additional peaks being present in the plutonium spectrum or expected peaks being absent. We are testing several new improvements to a prototype, general gamma-ray isotopic analysis tool with the intent of either revising or replacing the MGA code. These improvements will give the user the ability to modify, add, or delete the gamma- and x-ray energies and branching intensities used by the code in determining a more precise gain and in the determination of the relative detection efficiency. We have also fully integrated the determination of the relative isotopic abundances with the determination of the relative detection efficiency to provide a more accurate determination of the errors in the relative isotopic abundances. We provide details in this paper on these improvements and a comparison of results obtained with current versions of the MGA code.