The ROK SSAC has been performed its own national inspections since 1997 according to its domestic law. Its independent safeguards activities are regarded as a model case for the ideal SSAC. In the ROK, there are 42 MBAs which are targets of the IAEA safeguards: 22 LWRs, 4 OLRs, 11 Research facilities, 2 fuel fabrication plants, and 3 miscellaneous sites. Among them, the IAEA and the ROK national inspections have been being focused on 4 OLRs, which occupy most inspection works, 60 % of total inspection works in yearly base. So the ROK Government feels some necessity to reduce the inspection works for the OLRs and use those saved man power to other area, like safeguards technology development or safeguards approach for pyroprocessing facilities. The ROK decided to change drastically its previous way of inspection procedure during the spent fuel transfer campaign and dispatch an inspector to the OLR site to take whole safeguards related activities. In this paper, the improved procedure for SF transfer campaign in Wolsong site is introduced and other complementary measures like installing monitoring camera in the SF pools.