The ASSESS Neutralization Analysis module (Neutralization) is part of Analytic System and Software for Evaluation of Safeguards and Security, ASSESS, a vulnerability assessment tool. Neutralization models a fire fight engagement between security inspectors (Sis) and adversaries. Since version 1.0 of Neutralization was released in 1989, experience has shown that several features of the user interface should be improved. This has now been done, simplifying operation by consolidating all capabilities under a single mode of operation, removing many restrictions on editing, and concentrating more information into fewer types of printed reports. Every adversary and SI combatant is named and described individually. Time to communicate orders is specified for each SI combatant. Adversaries and Sis can be reinforced. SI posting as well deployment destination is labeled. Scenario details can be revised without losing all completed event information. New on-screen summaries spell out characteristics, minimizing abbreviations. Neutralization will read files created by the previous version and permit the user to enter the additional labels supported in the new version. Neutralization now has an interface that handles more information, but is easier and faster to use.