Implementing Site-specific Interfaces to LANMAS Supporting the DOE Waste Material Accounting Pilot Project

Rick Wyant - Wyant Data Systems Inc.
Scott Lee - Wyant Data Systems
In the 1990’s, the U. S. Department of Energy (DOE) initiated and completed a project to implement a standard nuclear materials accounting engine, the Local Area Network Material Accounting System (LANMAS). In 1998, the Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site (RFETS) implemented LANMAS as the accounting engine within its nuclear material accountability system (RockMAS), as part of the Closure Mission for the site. In 2001, the DOE established the Waste Material Accounting Pilot Project to analyze the Material Control & Accountability (MC&A) process requirements to implement Waste Accounting. RFETS was selected as a Pilot Site. Since waste processing is a critical component of the RFETS closure mission, unique methods were identified to facilitate waste accounting practices using LANMAS. This required implementation of interfaces from LANMAS to internal and external material systems, such as the WIPP Waste Information System (WWIS) and RFETS Waste and Environmental Management System (WEMS) databases. Development of these interfaces required cooperation between RFETS Material Control & Accountability, RFETS Information Technology, Westinghouse Savannah River Company, NAC, and WIPP. This paper describes the RFETS experience in creating and implementing the changes necessary to effectively implement waste accounting practices in the RockMAS and LANMAS systems.