Implementing Safeguards-by-Design: A Review Prior to the Final Design Phase on the Uranium Processing Facility Project in Oak Ridge, TN (U)

J. D. Long - Y-12 National Security Complex
The application of Safeguards-by-Design principles on the Uranium Processing Facility (UPF) Project has been focused upon producing an overall Material Control and Accountability-Safeguards Design Strategy (MCA-SDS) that is efficient and integrated into the facility structure, the various processes and control system, as well as the material management system. Key MC&A regulatory programmatic elements are utilized along with leveraging of the codified requirements of safety systems for nuclear facilities, providing the system engineering synergy necessary to produce the most effective design solutions. Integrated safeguards, safety, and security objectives in the design and subsequent construction in modern processing facilities must have the teamwork of multiple disciplines to leverage functionality and design requirements. As well as providing engineered, performance oriented and system engineered features, the potential of cost and schedule savings can be realized when utilizing the project management system. The Integrated Project Team (IPT) has found that teamwork, sharing of knowledge, FRPSDULVRQ??RI??UHTXLUHPHQWV????DQG??OHYHUDJLQJ??RI??LQGLYLGXDO??GLVFLSOLQHV¶??6WUXFWXUHV???? Systems, and Components (SSCs) in meeting design requirements will provide an efficient, reliable, safe, and secure facility and processes. The final design phase of the UPF Project is much anticipated by the team members.