In the 1990’s, the U. S. Department of Energy (DOE) initiated and completed a project to implement a standard nuclear materials accounting engine, the Local Area Network Material Accounting System (LANMAS). In 1998, the Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site (RFETS) implemented LANMAS as the accounting engine within its nuclear material accountability system (RockMAS), as part of the Closure Mission for the site. As site closure activities progressed, use of unique methods were needed to migrate the systems and data from a storage mission to a waste reprocessing and shipment mission. This unique approach necessitated a split of the accounting data into separate Reporting Identification Symbols (RIS) for segregation of storage and waste processing and the resulting reduction of closure costs. This paper describes the RFETS experience in creating and implementing a unique methodology for segregation of nuclear material data. The paper also discusses the technical elements of an effective implementation strategy and plan.