Implementation of the United States/Russian HEU Agreement: Current Transparency Status and Prospects

Edward Mastal - U.S. Department of Energy
Joe Glaser - U.S. Department of Energy
Janie Benton - U.S. Department of Energy
Guy Armantrout - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
The National Nuclear Security Administration’s (NNSA) Highly Enriched Uranium (HEU) Transparency Implementation Program (TIP) monitors and provides assurance that Russian weapons-grade HEU is processed into low enriched uranium (LEU) under the transparency provisions of the 1993 United States (U.S.)-Russian HEU Purchase Agreementi. Meeting the Agreement’s transparency provisions is not just a program requirement; it is a legal requirement. The HEU Purchase Agreement requires transparency measures to be established to provide assurance that the nonproliferation objectives of the Agreement are met. The Transparency concept has evolved into a viable program that consists of complimentary elements that provide necessary assurances. The key elements include: 1) monitoring by technical experts; 2) independent measurements of enrichment and flow; 3) nuclear material accountability documents from Russian plants; and 4) comparison of transparency data with declared processing data. In the interest of protecting sensitive information, the monitoring is neither full time nor invasive. Thus, an element of trust is required regarding declared operations that are not observed. U.S. transparency monitoring data and independent instrument measurements are compared with plant accountability records and other declared processing data to provide assurance that the nonproliferation objectives of the 1993 Agreement are being met. Similarly, Russian monitoring of U. S. storage and fuel fabrication operations provides assurance to the Russians that the derived LEU is being used in accordance with the Agreement. The successful implementation of the Transparency program enables the receipt of Russian origin LEU into the United States. Implementation of the 1993 Agreement is proceeding on schedule, with the permanent elimination of over 8,700 warhead equivalents of HEU. The successful implementation of the Transparency program has taken place over the last 10 years and has provided the necessary nonproliferation assurances to the U. S. while developing an increasing level of trust and cooperation between the U. S. and Russian government agencies.