Implementation of Uncertainty Estimation according to the ISO Guide in an Analytical Laboratory

K. Casteleyn - European Commission – Joint Research Centre
K. Mayer - European Commission – Joint Research Centre
O. Cromboom - European Commission – JRC
Analytical laboratories performing nuclear material control measurements have to operate under competitive conditions, process a high number of samples, perform a minimum of repeat measurements but are nevertheless expected to deliver accurate and reliable results. The analytical results must be traceable to the International measurement system SI and thus must have a measurement uncertainty statement associated with them in order to be comparable. In this study of the destructive analytical methods, titration and Isotope Dilution Mass Spectrometry (IDMS), it is demonstrated that the quality assurance measures implemented at ITU, provide sufficient information to calculate the measurement uncertainty which is compliant to the ISO Guide for the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (GUM) [1].