The Model Protocol Additional to Safeguards Agreements (INFCIRC/540), provides new measures for the IAEA to assure the absence of undeclared nuclear material and activities in a State via expanded declaration of information by States and increased physical access to locations. It was recognized that implementation of the Additional Protocol would introduce new activities for the States and the IAEA and that new procedures, guidelines and training would be needed. An implementation trial of the measures foreseen under the Model Additional Protocol was, therefore, conducted by the Japanese authorities and the IAEA to provide the IAEA, facility operators, State authorities and, eventually, other States with relevant experience in implementation of the Additional Protocol. The trial was conducted at two major R&D sites in Japan between March 1998 and December 1999. Participants included IAEA staff from throughout the Safeguards Department, government inspectors from the Science and Technology Agency (STA), officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and staff of the Nuclear Material Control Center (NMCC). The exercise included the preparation, review and discussion of draft declarations pursuant to Article 2.a.(iii) of the Model Additional Protocol and complementary access, including managed access. The experience gained in the implementation trial has been very useful to the participants in identifying and beginning to develop the infrastructure, procedures and training necessary for implementation of the Additional Protocol.