The Fissile Material Control Program (FMCP) of the Cooperative Threat Reduction (CTR) Program has a requirement to provide confidence that the material to be stored in the Fissile Material Storage Facility (FMSF) at Mayak is derived from dismantled nuclear weapons, stored in a safe, secure and ecologically sound manner, and will not be reused for weapon purposes. An agreement, referred to as the Transparency Agreement, is being negotiated with the Russian Federation that will allow the U.S. to have installed selected radiation measurement equipment and facility monitoring systems that will provide the data necessary to meet the U.S. confidence requirements. All such equipment will be supplied by Russian contractors based on jointly agreed functional requirements and design specifications, contain information barriers to protect the Russian classified information, and be implemented in accordance with agreed procedures. This paper will discuss the equipment suite, the plan for partnering with the Russians, and the approach and schedule for implementation.