Implementation Status of the Additional Protocol at KAERI

Hyun-sook Kim - Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
Byung-Doo Lee - Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
In Chul Kim - Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
Hyun Jo Kim - Nuclear Material Control Team, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institutel
Seung-Ho Lee - Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
The agreement between the government of the ROK and the IAEA for the application of nuclear safeguards was signed in Oct. 1975, and entered into force in Nov. of that year. The ROK signed a Model Protocol Additional to the safeguards agreements (AP) with the IAEA in 1999, which entered into force in Feb. 2004. KAERI submitted the initial expanded declaration in Aug. 2004 pursuant to the AP, and the IAEA has performed Complementary Access (CA) for verification of the correctness and completeness of the ROK's initial declarations. Since then, the ROK has submitted expanded declarations (ED) on the nuclear fuel cycle- related R&D activities not involving nuclear materials by 15 May of each year to the IAEA, and the IAEA has performed the complementary access in order to assure the absence of undeclared nuclear materials and activities based on the ED. This paper describes the experiences of AP implementation, internal procedures, and the computerized system for preparing the ED including the status of the CAs at KAERI.