Abstract Proliferation resistance of nuclear systems is receiving increasing attention and has developed into a key concept, not only in terms of acceptance by policy-makers and the public, but also in the technical development of innovative nuclear systems. Improving proliferation resistance is one of the objectives of developers of innovative nuclear energy systems. Criteria and methodologies are being enhanced or developed to assess the strength of the overall system, comprising technological features and institutional arrangements. In support to the reflections on new systems, it is worthwhile to analyse the characteristics of existing nuclear systems in terms of proliferation resistance, and which experience can be derived from their operation. French nuclear fuel cycle activities have been established and developed for more than 50 years, and encompass the whole spectrum of activities – from mining to recycling. France, as a major user and supplier of nuclear products and services, assumes her international responsibility with respect to proliferation resistance : the industrial products and services provided to the French and international markets are subject to appropriate controls by relevant national and international authorities. France contributes to the IAEA safeguards regime and applies the NSG guidelines. France is also pursuing an active R&D program for the continuous development of nuclear energy systems, of which proliferation resistance is an integral part. The paper analyses proliferation resistance features, both intrinsic and extrinsic, of current activities in the French nuclear fuel cycle, and the relevance of the resulting experience to the development of innovative systems.