Upgrades to physical protection systems and material control and accounting processes implemented under the MPC&A Program are just one element required to reduce the risk of the diversion of Russian nuclear weapons and weapons-usable nuclear material over the long term. DOE has recognized the importance of the human element in MPC&A effectiveness and initiated activities under the MPC&A Education & Awareness Project aimed at establishing a strong MPC&A culture in Russian nuclear facilities. Awareness activities are developed with the following objectives: • Increase understanding of all individuals of the importance of MPC&A and their responsibilities in regard to maintaining a strong MPC&A culture • Enhance line management’s awareness of MPC&A issues and the organizational contributions to MPC&A culture • Decrease MPC&A incidents and problems attributable to the human factor To achieve these objectives, initiatives are underway to establish a baseline of MPC&A-related attitudes and concepts, implement MPC&A Culture education and training programs, establish MPC&A Culture coordinators at nuclear facilities, and establish an MPC&A Culture assessment program – to include self-assessment, performance indicators, causal analysis, and lessons learned. Development and implementation of the initiatives is heavily reliant on leadership and participation from multiple Russian organizations. The project is an important element in the sustainability of the joint Russia-U.S. MPC&A upgrades program. Early accomplishments under this project include initial administration of culture surveys and interviews, development and implementation of a variety of education and training programs for personnel at all facility levels, and the establishment and training of a pilot group of facility culture coordinators.