As part of the US-Russirm Lab-to-Lab program for strengthening nuclear materiaI protectio~ control, and accounting (MPC&A), an integrated MPC&A system is being installed at a large site withk the VNIIEF complex to upgrade safeguards on the nuclear material stored and used at this site. In addition to storage facilities, the site houses a number of critical facilities at which nuclear physics research is conducted. The design of the MPC&A system is based on the test bed work presented earlier and provides the fictions of nondestructive measurements for plutonium rmd highly enriched uranium, item control, personnel access control, radiation portal monitoring, and computerized on-line accounting. The system controls, monitors, and accounts for nuclear material and people as the material moves through three material balance areas, a measurement room, and a number of control points. It also assists with physical inventory taking. The instrumentation used to implement these functions will include US commercial equipment as well as Russirm-designed and -fabricated items.