Implementation of the IAEA Additional Protocol in Morocco: USDOE/CNESTEN Cooperation

Mo Bissani - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Mark H. Killinger - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Linda H. Hansen - Argonne National Laboratory
Abdeljalil Jraut - National Center for Energy Sciences and Nuclear Techniques
Morocco entered into force the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Additional Protocol (AP) in April 2011 and submitted its initial declaration in October 2011. The National Center for Energy Sciences and Nuclear Techniques (CNESTEN), together with other government departments, is the agency in Morocco responsible for implementing the AP. In December 2010 the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) presented to CNESTEN the AP international technical assistance program, administered by the International Nuclear Safeguards and Engagement Program (INSEP), to help partner countries implement the AP. In coordination with the IAEA, DOE established the AP technical assistance program in 2008 to complement IAEA AP seminars with long-term country-specific cooperation from a Member State perspective. Except for the national security exclusion, the U.S. AP is identical to the Model AP signed by non-nuclear weapon states, enabling DOE to share best practices in implementing the AP. DOE described to CNESTEN the various areas of cooperation available, whether a country is preparing for entry into force or is already implementing the AP. CNESTEN and DOE have agreed to cooperate in several areas to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of Morocco’s AP implementation. These areas include providing working-level training to CNESTEN staff; preparing an information booklet that documents the training in more detail for future reference; assisting with the development of an outreach program; developing AP reporting and Complementary Access processes and procedures; and identifying Annex II equipment and non-nuclear materials whose export must be reported under the AP. DOE laboratory representatives met again with CNESTEN in May 2011, September 2011, April 2012, and May 2012 to investigate specific ways to improve implementation and prepare for outreach to industry and universities. In this paper CNESTEN describes current implementation of the AP in Morocco, and both DOE and CNESTEN give their perspectives on their cooperation to enhance that implementation.