Implementation Experience of the Integrated Safeguards Approach at the KAERI site

Han-suk Ko - Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
Han-suk Ko - Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
Hyun-Jo Kim - Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
Hyun-Jo Kim - Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
Hyun-sook Kim - Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
Hyun-sook Kim - Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
Byung-Doo Lee - Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
Byung-Doo Lee - Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
The site level Integrated Safeguards (IS) approach has been developed with IAEA to apply to all nuclear facilities and location outside facilities (LOF) at the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) in the Republic of Korea since March 2006. In designing the IS approach, the inspection activities and notification scheme on PIVs and Random Interim Inspections (RIIs) including the advanced information declared by KAERI were considered. The facilities and LOF at the KAERI-Daejeon site were grouped as 2 categories, according to the design features, purposes, nuclear material inventories, material type and borrowing scenarios between the facilities/LOF on site. RIIs and PIVs have been performed at the facilities and LOF on the KAERI-Daejeon site selected randomly from respective categories, according to the facility advanced information and other information declared by the KAERI since the IS State Level Approach(SLA) for the ROK was applied to ROK on 1 July 2008. The national verification regimes in Korea were amended not only for reflecting the IS SLA but also for verifying the management status of nuclear material stored at the nuclear facilities and the preparation status of the facility with respect to the short notice inspection of IAEA in Dec. 2008. This paper summarizes the implementation status, the complementary measures and future plan with respect to the IS approaches including the safeguards system of the KAERI-Daejeon site.