Commercially available satellite data has emerged as a potential complementary open information source to support the IAEA's traditional and extended Safeguards activities. Currently there is a rapid development of techniques and methodologies based on remote sensing that support assessment and monitoring of objects and activities on the surface of the earth. These includes the use of data from high-resolution satellites, image processing techniques, as well as Geographical Information Technology (GIS) The IAEA has started a series of case studies and workshops to analyze the potential capacity and efficiency in safeguards offered by the new satellite imagery systems. Among these studies SSC Statellitbild is conducting a cost/benefit an implementation analysis study. The overall aim with the work is to support a possible implementation of satellite imagery capacity at the Department of Safeguards, and to give the Agency a more comprehensive understanding of the topic to enable a proper planning and decision process. The study is performed and financed as a part of the Swedish Support Programme managed and co-ordinated by the Swedish Nuclear Power Inspectorate (SKI).