IAEA Safeguards at KAMS: The T-1 Data Review Station (DRS) Startup Process

Lawrence M. Desonier - Sandia National Laboratories
Throughout the world, advanced monitoring systems are needed to help monitor and control many kinds of nuclear materials. During the past year much work has been accomplished on making changes to the Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) Material Monitoring System (MMS) to transform it into a T-1 Radio Frequency Tamper Indicating Device (RFTID) Data Review Station (DRS) for the IAEA. Most of the DRS work consists of significant improvements in the capabilities to review data. In addition to this, there are enhanced query and reporting capabilities. Features for a Removable Key Management Component include a T-1 Key Generator and Key Viewer, a T-1 Programmer, a T-1 Authentication Verifier, and a T-1 Tester with verification. Another helper program is the Log File Viewer with extensive capabilities. This paper will provide a review of the Removable Key Management Component (RKMC) and DRS systems and lessons learned during startup use of these systems as an interim solution by the IAEA at the Savannah River Site K-Area Material Storage (KAMS).