The year 1995 will mark 25 years of IAEA safeguards under the NPT. During that time the IAEA has continuously developed its procedures for utilizing nuclear material accountancy in international safeguards. The bases and strengths of the traditional safeguards system will be recalled. The situation in Iraq led IAEA Member States to look to the IAEA to broaden its view beyond declared material, to look for indications of activities which could be part of a nuclear weapons programme. In response, certain steps were taken by the IAEA in that direction in 1991-93, and the IAEA embarked in 1993 on a development programme for strengthening the effectiveness and improving the efficiency of safeguards. That programme starts the IAEA down a path beyond material accountancy. The planning, status and expectations for the programme, which is heading toward a major milestone early in 1995, are presented.