IAEA Safeguard s Technology Challenges — Continuous Unattended Remote Monitoring

Yung Y. Liu - Argonne National Laboratory
James M. Shuler - U.S. Department of Energy
Kenneth E. Sanders - Argonne National Laboratory
The implementation of new, innovative technologies is one of the many challenges facing the IAEA (International Atomic E nergy Agency). The IAEA safeguard s technology challenge is highlighted with a hypothetical and simplified generic case for a State with an advanced nuclear industry under the NPT (Treaty on the Non - Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons ) , with a CSA (Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement) and AP (Additional Protocol) in force, for which the IAEA applies a State - level integrated safeguards approach. In conjunction with routine onsite inspections, a range of potential onsite continuous unattended remote monitoring applications could be used, including electronic seals, digital cameras, radiation detectors, and reactor power monitors from which data could be transmitted electronically to IAEA HQ, a regional office, or an onsite office for the purpose of strengthening effectiveness and improvin g efficiency of safeguards .