The International Atomic Energy Agency has embraced environmental sampling as a powerful tool for gaining assurance on the absence of undeclared nuclear activities and materials. The Agency is proceeding, with the approval of its Board of Governors, to implement the collection of environmental samples as part of the activities carried out during safeguards inspections and design information verification visits. The initial implementation of environmental sampling in 1996 will focus on enrichment plants and installations with hot cells. Candidate facilities have been identified and facilityspecific sampling objectives, plans, and procedures are being developed to optimize sample collection and analysis. An in-house training program is underway to instruct inspectors in proper techniques for sample collection and handling. The newlycommissioned IAEA Clean Laboratory at Seibersdorf is preparing for the receipt, screening, distribution, and archiving of the environmental samples collected. This paper reports on the status of IAEA implementation of environmental sampling for safeguards.