Since 1996, the IAEA has been implementing environmental sampling for Safeguards as a strengthening measure designed to detect undeclared nuclear activities in countries subject to comprehensive safeguard agreements that have also ratified the Additional Protocol. The Clean Laboratory for Safeguards was inaugurated in December 1995 with the mission to provide the capability for (a) the provision and certification of environmental sampling kits, (b) the receipt, screening and distribution of samples coming from safeguards inspections, and (c) performing chemical and instrumental analysis at ultra-low actinide concentrations. The facility provides for the clean handling of sampling materials and samples significantly and reduces the risk of cross contamination which might lead to incorrect safeguards conclusions. The laboratory consists of about 200 m2 of laboratory space with approximately 70 m2 Class-100 work areas. Continued cleanliness of the laboratory space is verified via a quality assurance and control program, which has been implemented and successfully run for the past years. The QC measures include (semi-) annual re-qualification of the laboratory to its design specifications using ISO 14644 and other international standards. Other measures include the routine measurement and recording of airborne particulate concentrations as well as determination of the particulate’s uranium content. In spring 2006 the facility was shut down for major maintenance and refurbishment. Main upgrade comprised replacement of the systems controller. Other technical improvements include an independent monitoring system of central environmental parameters.