On 15 August 1945, Japan surrendered ending World War II and liberating the Korean Peninsula. The Republic of Korea (ROK) was declared three years later and the peninsula divided. North Korea declared the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea (DPRK) and created its own time zone. I doubt Kim Jong Un would ever attack the USA mainland or any territory. I believe his main issues are with South Korea and Japan. The North has attacked the South on several occasions. Using tunnels under the DMZ, they've sent special forces close to the Blue House, ROK's White House, and done considerable injury and damage. During the 1990’s and early 2000’s, the IAEA inspected DPRK’s Yongbyon nuclear site; it’s plutonium production reactor was shut down and partially dismantled according to agreements involving the IAEA and USA. On three occasions the North’s nuclear weapons program could've been stopped. In 1992, both Koreas signed and ratified the Declaration of Denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. This included a provision for a joint inspection agency. At DOE, I organized a 3-week tour for 12 South Koreans showing how the IAEA conducts inspections and how to look for signs of weapons research; they were never allowed to inspect DPRK facilities. We visited Los Alamos, Sandia, Oak Ridge, and Hanford; essentially touring Manhattan Project facilities. In 1994 - Agreed Framework: This required closing the Yongbyon Pu-production reactor, accepting IAEA inspections, and discontinuing reprocessing. In exchange, the USA supplied fuel oil and began constructing two PWR reactors. This lasted until 2002. In 2003 - Six-Party Talks (initiated by China in Beijing): a physicist in my group was a technical advisor to the US delegation. China has recently proposed restarting these talks. Many believe these failed because the USA kept attaching other issues. The success of the JCPOA is partially because negotiators insisted only addressing the nuclear issue. We hear daily that the USG demands the DPRK denuclearize, i.e. dismantle their nuclear weapons and R&D programs. Anyone who follows this knows it’s a non-starter.