On March 14-18, 1994 more than 400 persons from the international safeguards community participated in the 1994 IAEA Symposium on International Safeguards. Over 200 papers were presented in 20 oral and poster sessions. The sessions covered all aspects of international safeguards, including Future Directions for International Safeguards, Strengthened and More Cost-Effective Safeguards, New Experience and Initiatives, Safeguards for Enrichment, Fuel Fabrication, Reactors, Storage, and Plutonium Facilities, National and Regional Systems of Accountancy and Control, Material Accountancy, Integrated Safeguards Systems, Containment and Surveillance Technology, Non-Destructive Assay Measurement Techniques, Safeguards Statistics & Data Processing, and R&D and Analytical Measurements. This paper describes highlights of this Symposium.