Global Professional Networks: Establishing a Link to the Gulf Region

Ryan T. Whalen - Sandia National Laboratories
Patrick D. Lynch - Oak Ridge National Laboratory
International professional societies, training programs, and organizations provide unique and valuable opportunities for indigenous staff of countries with plans to either expand or develop civil nuclear power programs. This paper recommends that such countries concurrently address issues associated with nuclear infrastructure development, specifically the promotion of adequate human resources, by engaging in various forms of international collaboration and networking. The paper advises that identification, training, and retention of next-generation professionals is critical for establishing a responsible civil nuclear power program; accordingly, it discusses a number of possibilities that would be highly beneficial to countries seeking to promote this type of development. In addition, this paper suggests that appropriate countries in the Gulf make use of collaboration opportunities with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and its associated National Laboratory complex. Professional networking is vital to this region, especially as members of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) embark upon the establishment of peaceful nuclear programs. As a result, this paper more broadly intends to demonstrate the high return on investment for attending international conferences, participating in international training opportunities, and establishing regional chapters of international professional organizations and institutions.