The rapid development of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) has led to fundamental changes in the way the information is captured, stored, processed and distributed. At the joint ESARDA/INMM workshop held at Albuquerque (1998), a paper was presented to outline the potential applications of GIS to facilitate the manage- ment, inventory, analysis and reporting of safeguards information. The present paper addresses the technical issues in more details and reports the progress achieved to date using information obtained from Canadian nuclear facili- ties. A database model of managing both spatial map/image data and facility information has been designed and constructed. An early prototype, developed by the University of Calgary and the Atomic Energy Control Board, is enhanced, including real digital maps and images, to show the ability of a GIS software (ArcView) to link up with other databases, such as Microsoft Access, and to demonstrate the potential applications and versatility of Component GIS.