GIS-based Information Management and Integration for EURATOM Safeguards

J. Gonçalves - Joint Research Center -- Ispra
S. Tsalas - European Commission
Stefano Ciccarello - European Commission
Olivier Isoard - European Commission
The implementation of strengthened Safeguards measures creates a wealth of information including AP declarations, complementary access reports, inspectors’ reports and Open Source information. Often, the information is scattered in different databases and document repositories. Therefore, efficient nuclear Safeguards require an information platform integrating the collection, management and analysis of all relevant data. Since most Safeguards relevant information has a geographical component (e.g. sites, buildings, mines), Geographical Information Systems (GIS) are suitable tools for satisfying the needs of a Safeguards information system: the geographical features in the GeoDatabase are used to associate different data items in the distributed databases; the map-based interface allows to intuitively browse, query and find the information of interest, thus providing a single-point-of-entry. Over the last years, the Joint Research Centre (JRC) has developed a number of tools supporting the preparation, management and verification of AP declarations, which were demonstrating the usefulness of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for this purpose. Following these experiences, the European Commission’s DG-TREN and JRC are jointly developing SIT-ES (Site Information Tool for European Safeguards), a Geo-Portal integrating information from diverse Safeguards-related databases at DG-TREN and providing a single point of access to all relevant information. It has the following characteristics: (a) SIT-ES is a Geo-Portal, which provides an intuitive, graphical, map-based interface to access Safeguards related information through a geographic location on a map; (b) It integrates different existing databases at DG-TREN and provides central access to the distributed information. Further to the AP declarations, it links information on current and historic accountancy (e.g. material stocks, MUFs, Import/Export …), inspection planning and reports, seals, EU legislation, international agreements, BTC, shipment of radioactive waste and spent fuel, decommissioning funds, data for waste management, NFC and Proliferation scenarios, borrowing scenarios, etc; (c) It is a multi-user information system which ensures that all users always access the most up-todate and accurate information; (d) The system enforces the security requirements that come with this type of sensitive data. It is deployed within the secure infrastructure of DG-TREN and provides access to the different users on a need-to-know basis. This paper will present the SIT-ES architecture, functionality and main operational features.