The IAEA safeguards system was introduced in 1957 when the Agency was established. This system has been evolved throughout the history of the Cold-War era. Abig evolution was made by introduction of NPT safeguard agreement in 1971. In the post Cold-War era, global non-proliferation regime has been evolved and many new mechanisms are created. INFCIRC 540 - Additional Protocol in the international safeguards area, NSG Guidelines Part II - Dual Items -, new IAEA physical protection guidelines (INFCIRC 225/Rev.4), Creation of KEDO, UNSCOM, huge assistance to the Russia by the international community are some of these examples of evolution. The Society of post Cold-War era could be expressed by the words of “diversification, decentralization and dispersion of the power”. Global nonproliferation regime in the 21St Century should be based on the concepts of “defense-indepth” and “pluralism”. IAEA verification activities will become much important and should widen its scope. Coo&nations among the various verification activities within the Agency as well as with the outside verification agencies should become important. FMCT would be very important additional institutional / technical tool far global non-proliferation and nuclear disarmament. The author enumerated the topics to be discussed to be needed to reach the successful conclusion of the Treaty.