As anyone who has been involved in the maintenance and operations of a facility must be aware, collection and analyses of data related to processes are fundamental is order to provide the most efficient and thorough operations. Installed equipment may function perfectly to specifications; however, certain activities are necessary to ensure that the equipment operates as needed in a particular environment. Performance testing should verify operations as planned upon installation. Preventive maintenance is designed to detect anomalies before vulnerabilities can become an issue during regular operations. Data collection and analyses can help identify not only consistently deficient equipment but also problematic areas that were misSed as part of performance testing and preventive maintenance or as changes occur in the work environment that could affect operations. For example, a closed-circuit TV camera may be installed to detect approach to subject material. The camera is proven to operate appropriately, and positioning is checked tO determine that the desired materials are viewed. After installation though, an object rearranged in the room, either intentionally or unintentionally, will obstruct the intended view of the camera. Regular performance testing should identify this issue upon scheduled activity, but review'of data should immediately indicate issues and prompt investigation. This paper addresses activities that must be defined and planned in order to appropriately sustain and operate physical protection systems within a facility. These activities include development of maintenance plans, development of test plans, assessment and maintenance of spare parts, development and verification of procedures, performance of scheduled maintenance and testing, and collection and analyses of related data. We will also address tools that can aid in accomplishing these functions.