Foreign Research Reactor Uranium Supply Program: The Y-12 National Security Complex Process

T. Nelson - Nuclear Technology and Nonproliferation
R. J. Dunavant - Nuclear Technology and Nonproliferation
B. G. Eddy - Nuclear Materials Management and Disposition
The Foreign Research Reactor (FRR) Uranium Supply Program at the Y-12 National Security Complex (Y-12) supports the nonproliferation objectives of the HEU Disposition Program, the Reduced Enrichment for Research and Test Reactors (RERTR) Program, and the United States FRR Spent Nuclear Fuel (SNF) Acceptance Program. The Y-12 National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) Y-12 Site Office maintains the prime contracts with foreign governments for the supply of Low-Enriched Uranium (LEU) for their research reactors. The LEU is produced by down blending Highly Enriched Uranium (HEU) that has been declared surplus to the U.S. national defense needs. The down blending and sale of the LEU supports the Surplus HEU Disposition Program Record of Decision to make the HEU non-weapons usable and to recover the economic value of the uranium to the extent feasible. This program supports the important U.S. government and nuclear nonproliferation commitment to serve as a reliable and cost-effective uranium supplier for those foreign research reactors that are converting or have converted to LEU fuel under the guidance of the NNSA RERTR Program. In conjunction with the FRR SNF Acceptance Program which supports the global nonproliferation efforts to disposition U.S.-origin HEU, the Y-12 FRR Uranium Supply Program can provide the LEU for the replacement fuel fabrication. The Y-12 process uses supply forecasting tools, pricing strategies, production improvements and efficient delivery preparations to ensure a successful program.