The new system for accounting for foreign obligated nuclear material in the United States started October 1, 2003. The reporting guidelines for facilities in the United States, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission NUREG BR-0006 and BR-0007 and the Department of Energy Manual 474.1-2, have been issued to reflect the change in requirements for reporting nuclear material with foreign obligations. Such a system is needed to allow the U.S. Government to track nuclear materials subject to various Agreements for Peaceful Nuclear Cooperation that the United States has entered into force. These changes were initiated to improve the tracking and periodic reporting of foreign obligated materials in the US. In the past, this was accomplished by the use of the country control number field on the DOE/NRC Form 741. Since the implementation of the new regulations and new 741 format, the Foreign Obligations Tracking System accomplishes this need of the U.S. Government. This foreign obligations tracking system will help streamline the international reporting required by the various Agreements.