Spectroscopic Planar Germanium (SPG) is a portable, mechanically-cooled, high purity germanium spectrometer designed for safeguards applications. The system weighs less than 6.5lbs (3kg) and can be cooled to operating temperatures in less than 30 minutes. Once cooled, it can operate for 8 hours on battery power. Designed for use in the 30keV to 450keV region and with an energy resolution of 850eV, it is well suited for use with MGA and FRAM. In this paper we report a field testing of the SPG performed during the IAEA Physical Inventory Verification (PIV) at the Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Nuclear Fuel Fabrication Facility (KNF). This field test campaign provided an opportunity to measure the wide range of materials produced at various steps throughout the nuclear fuel fabrication process. Measurements of natural uranium powders, scrap metals, and fuel pellets of various enrichments were measured. The spectra were then analyzed using MGA to determine the isotopic composition and compared with those declared by the facility. The field-testing of SPG was very productive and an excellent opportunity to demonstrate the system to IAEA inspectors as well as to the national inspectors.