Federal Automated Information System Of Nuclear Material Control and Accounting: Uniform System of Reporting Documents

Rose Ann Babcock - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Cynthia Heinberg - Pacific Northwest National Laboratories
L. A. Kasumova - MinAtom’s Situation and Crisis Center
A.A. Martyanov - Minatom of Russia
One of the fundamental regulations of the Russian State System for Nuclear Material Accounting and Control (SSAC), “Basic Nuclear Material Control and Accounting Rules,” directed that a uniform report system be developed to support the operation of the SSAC. According to the “Regulation on State Nuclear Material Control and Accounting,” adopted by the Russian Federation Government, Minatom of Russia is responsible for the development and adoption of report forms, as well as the reporting procedure and schedule. The report forms are being developed in tandem with the creation of an automated national nuclear material control and accounting system, the Federal Information System (FIS). The forms are in different stages of development and implementation. The first report forms (the Summarized Inventory Listing (SIL), Summarized Inventory Change Report (SICR) and federal and agency registers of nuclear material) have already been created and implemented. The second set of reports (nuclear material movement reports and the special anomaly report) is currently in development. A third set of reports (reports on import/export operations, and foreign nuclear material temporarily located in the Russian Federation) is still in the conceptual stage. To facilitate the development of a unified document system, the FIS must establish a uniform philosophy for the reporting system and determine the requirements for each reporting level, adhering to the following principles: • Completeness—the unified report system provides the entire range of information that the FIS requires to perform SSAC tasks; • Requisite level of detail • Hierarchical structure—each report is based on the information provided in a lower-level report and is the source of information for reports at the next highest level; • Consistency checking—reports can be checked against other reports; A similar philosophy should eliminate redundancy in the different reports, support a uniform approach to the contents of previously developed and new reports within the FIS, as well as identify the main priorities for the direction of the FIS.