Experimental validation of “vibropacking – pyrochemical” option for disposition of excess military plutonium in fast reactors MOX-fuel.

A.V. Bychkov - \"State Scientific Center of RF Research Institute of Atomic Reactors\"
O.V. Skiba - \"State Scientific Center of RF Research Institute of Atomic Reactors\"
D.A. Bobrov - \"State Scientific Center of RF Research Institute of Atomic Reactors\"
A.F. Grachyov - \"State Scienitific Center of RF Research Institute of Atomic Reactors\"
The one of options for disposition of military plutonium include technological approaches based on pyrochemical conversion of Pu-Ga alloy into PuO2 or directly to MOX-fuel and followed vibropacking of fuel for fast reactors BOR-60 and BN-600. Research Institute of Atomic Reactors (RIAR) developed this option during last decade. This technological option development started under French-Russian AIDA-MOX program. During last ten years some studies and demonstration works were fulfilled in frame of Russian- USA, Russian-French and Russian-Japan collaborations. Application of this option was included into USA-Russia Agreement on military plutonium disposition (signed on 2000) for partial Pu disposition in the BN-600 reactor hybrid core. Today Japanese side (JNC) actively supports con tinuation of semi-industrial demonstration. Main scientific studies were fulfilled at 90-s in the frame of Russian-French program AIDAMOX and USA-Russian works (supported by LANL and LLNL). They includes processes for Ga removal from PuO2 and MOX codeposited fuel, study on wastes stream. The complex flow sheet was developed and tested. In order to complex study feasibility of this option as applied to fast reactors the demonstration experiment has been carried out. RIAR with the support and participation of JNC has performed the following activities under the program of the experiment: 1. Pyroelectrochemical procedure of weapon grade plutonium conversion has been developed and implemented resulting into granulated MOX-fuel production (about 22 kg of Pu was used for test). 2. Fuel pins and three experimental FAs for subsequent tests in BN-600 have been manufactured using vibropacking process. 3. From May 2000 till March 2002 three experimental fuel assemblies were irradiated in BN-600 under parameters similar to the values characteristic of the standard BN-600 FA (maximum burnup. 10,5% h.a.). After completing irradiation one of these fuel assemblies with the maximum irradiation parameters (burnup, linear power and cladding temperature of the fuel pin) was selected for PIE. This PIE is mainly finished on 2004. Minatom allocated 150 kg of real Pu-Ga alloy for this demonstration programs and RIAR carried out some additional works not included into international collaboration: 1. Production and irradiation of 34 FAs in the BOR-60 test reactor (about 30 kg of Pu was used). 2. Production and irradiation of additional LTAs for the BN-600. Now additional 3 LTAs completely irradiated on 2003 and 3 LTAs are under irradiation since 2004. Expected that Japanese side will continue support of this demonstration irradiation up to statistical value equivalent 30 fuel assemblies with MOX-vibropacked fuel produced by pyroelectrochemical process. In parallel in the frame of RIAR-JNC agreement the modernization of RIAR facilities is under way. After modernization this facility will have capacity for annual production of 50 FAs for BN- 600 reactor. It will be equivalent for disposition of 300 kg of military plutonium. One of key point for modernization of MOX facilities in RIAR is renovation of systems of building where MOX-facility located (bld.180 of RIAR) In the frame of Minatom – US DOE collaboration on MPC&A program some equipment were installed in the MOX-building, including analytical equipment for MCC program and construction new storage room for Pucontained materials. Modern equipment for physical protection and material accounting system mainly installed. If it will be necessary Russia will have possibility to begin “early start” on military Pu disposition in the BN-600 reactor since 2007 using of the developed technology and modernized complex.