Experimental Method for Determining the Attenuation by Aluminum Cascade Pipes in the Presence of UF6 Gas during Enrichment Measurement

Marcie Lombardi - Los Alamos National Security and California Poison Control System
K. Ianakiev - Los Alamos National Laboratory
C.E. Moss - Los Alamos National Laboratory
A. Favalli - Los Alamos National Laboratory
We previously reported on calculations for a proposed method of determining the thickness of a pipe in a Gas Centrifuge Enrichment Plant (GCEP) when an empty pipe measurement is not feasible [1]. This method uses an X-ray tube for transmission measurements and a LaBr3 scintillation detector on the opposite side of the pipe. Two filters, molybdenum (Mo, K-edge 20.0 keV) and palladium (Pd, K-edge 24.35 keV) are used to transform the bremsstrahlung spectra produced by the X-ray tube into more useful spectra each with a sharp peak. The maximum energies of the peaks are determined by the K-edges of the filters. The attenuation properties of the UF6 allow us to determine wall thickness by looking at the ratio of selected regions of interest (ROIs) of the Mo and Pd transmitted spectra. Feasibility studies were performed using analytical calculations, and filter thicknesses were optimized. In order to experimentally validate our attenuation measurement method a UF6 source with variable enrichment and pipe thickness was built. We describe the experimental procedure used to verify our previous calculations and present recent results.