Experience of safeguards implementation at KAERI-Daejeon site

Hyun-sook Kim - Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
Byung-Doo Lee - Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
I.C. Kim - Nuclear Materials Control Team, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
Sung Ho Lee - Nuclear Material Control Team, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
Hyun Jo Kim - Nuclear Material Control Team, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institutel
The safeguards agreement between the ROK and the IAEA entered into force in Nov. 1975. The ROK signed on Additional Protocol (AP) with the IAEA in 1999, which entered into force in Feb. 2004. The ROK submitted the initial expanded declaration in Aug. 2004 pursuant to its AP. Since then, the IAEA has performed the Complementary Access (CA) for verification of the correctness and completeness of the ROK’s declarations. The IAEA finally drew a broader conclusion in June 2008 that all nuclear materials in the ROK have remained for use in peaceful activities as there was no indication of the diversion of declared nuclear material, and no indication of undeclared nuclear material or activities in the ROK. The IAEA started to implement the Integrated Safeguards (IS) in the ROK from July 2008 after a broader conclusion. The ROK and IAEA agreed the State Level Approach (SLA) to reflect the results an acquisition path analysis and State-specific factors was started on 1 Sep. 2015. This paper described the experience of safeguards implementation on 11 nuclear facilities at KAERI-Daejeon site since AP was applied in 2004.