A pre-existing RMS(Remote Monitoring System) had been used for the exclusive line and the RMS was applied of all PWR in Korea. But, due to communication fee, IAEA desired to replace current telephone line to the Internet line for reducing transmission cost in operating remote monitoring system. The communication cost of telephone line was estimated about $68,000/yr. In order to reduce the communication cost, IAEA proposed a cooperation on RMS under MSSP(Member State Support Program). This project was divided to 3 phase. The paper describes the last phase : the experience of the installation of VPN on all PWR plants at Korea and the analysis of cost-benifit between the pre-existing system and VPN system. Especially, at Kori plant, it is impossible to install the ADSL(Asymmetric Digital Subscribe Line) due to the distance(more than 10 km : from ISP port to connection point). Therefore, we installed the FDSL(Fractional Digital Subscribe Line) instead of the ADSL. Also, we compared the existing system with the VPN system on the right of cost-benefit. In the result, the cost reduced about three of fourth.