This paper focuses on academic education in the field of nuclear materials physical protection, control and accountability (MPC&A) in Russia. The Russian academic training system consists of educational programs at various levels: Bachelor of Science, Master of Science, Specialist (also referred to as the Engineer Degree), and professional re-training of personnel already working in the nuclear field. Currently, only the Master of Science Graduate Program is completely developed [1]. This is taking place at Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (State University, MEPhI), where the sixth generation of Masters students graduated in May 2004. The graduates are now working at nuclear-related government agencies, non-government organizations, universities, and nuclear facilities. Development of the system to produce academically trained Russian MPC&A personnel is therefore well underway. The first part of the paper is devoted to describing the Master of Science Graduate Program in MPC&A at MEPhI, including statistical data on job placement for graduates. The second part of the paper is devoted to creation of the Engineer level education program at MEPhI. The first generation of students passed the basic university courses and started the specialization Safeguards and Nonproliferation of Nuclear Materials at MEPhI in February 2004. Topics discussed in this paper include specific features of the Engineering Degree Program (EDP) dictated by Russian educational legislation, and the Russian system of training quality control. The paper summarizes the main joint efforts undertaken by MEPhI in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and its national laboratories in developing the EDP in Russia. Topics covered include modifying the methodological base and curriculum developed for the Masters program to make it possible for use in the EDP. Recruitment of students from MEPhI affiliates located in closed cities is also discussed. The last part of the paper is devoted to developing at MEPhI the new education and training programs in MPC&A focused on qualification upgrade, especially for teachers and professors from different universities of Russia and other countries. The topics discussed include the experience in implementing such programs at Sevastopol National Institute of Nuclear Energy and Industry (Ukraine), which took place at MEPhI in 2003-04 under an International Atomic Energy Agency initiative. MEPhI activity in creating the MPC&A education program at Sevastopol is described. The second topic discussed is the role of MEPhI in developing an Engineer degree education program in MPC&A at Tomsk Polytechnic University.