An expansion to the existing remote monitoring system (RMS), at the Experimental Reactor Joyo, has been developed and installed in the Joyo facility. The initial RMS, which was a joint collaboration between the United States Department of Energy (DOE) and then the Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corporation (PNC), was installed in the spent fuel storage area at the O-arai Engineering Center (OEC) in July, 1996. The purpose if the system was to support a study on nuclear nonproliferation. PNC has been reorganized and is now called the Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute (JNC). The RMS combines the original system functionally of monitoring the spent fuel storage area with the new capability of also monitoring the fresh fuel storage area. The RMS will be used in a nonproliferation application for transparency purposes. The RMS may be applied to provide domestic and international accountability for nuclear material used for peaceful purposes in non-monitoring the activities at the fresh and spent fuel storage facilities, the system will demonstrate that a continuity-of-knowledge can be monitored and verified off-site. The initial and expansion system was developed and integrated by SNL. This paper will provide some background information along with a description of the expansion system that was installed in the Joyo facility. The purpose and goal of the system will also be presented.