Expand and Accelerate Materials at Risk and Enriched Uranium Inventory Reductions at Y-12 National Security Complex

Jeniece V. May - Y-12 National Security Complex
An integrated, accelerated plan to deinventory the enriched uranium (EU) material from storage locations within Buildings 9212, 9215, and 9204-2E at the Y-12 National Security Complex (Y-12) is described in (U) FY-2014 Area 5 Deinventory Project Plan (Y/AREA-F-0014), with an emphasis on Building 9212 material at risk (MAR) reduction. The Area 5 Deinventory (A5D) is scheduled to complete at the end of FY 2021. The Final Report of the Committee to Recommend Alternatives to the Uranium Processing Facility Plan in Meeting the Nation’s Enriched Uranium Strategy (also known as the Red Team report) and the Building 9212 Transition Evaluation call for further acceleration and expansion of the deinventory and a shift in the priority to the reduction of MAR. Activities presented in this paper address two goals: (1) stop the flow and (2) expand and accelerate. “Stop the flow” describes actions that stop material receipts in Area 5, allow for direct movement or receipt within Building 9720-82 , and enable inventory reduction to occur by forcing program work to consume some of the current inventory within Area 5 to meet deliverables. “Expand and accelerate” describes actions that increase the amount of material being removed from facilities and actions that allow material to be deinventoried prior to the baselined date. This paper discusses five methods used to stop the flow of materials and accelerate and expand the scope of A5D.