Examining the Prospects of Public Acceptance of Nuclear Power in the Republic of Korea

Man-Sung Yim - Nuclear Energy Environment and Nuclear Security Laboratory, Department of Nuclear and Quantum Engineering Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Ji-eun Joo - Nuclear Environment & Nuclear Security Lab, Department ofNuclear and Quantum Engineering, Korea Advance Institute of Science and Technology
This study examined the prospects of public acceptance of nuclear power in the ROK. For this purpose, the history of nuclear power development and public acceptance changes in the ROK were reviewed and salient factors that affected the historical development were identified. The SCOT (social construction of technology) approach was used for the purpose. Based on these reviews, this study attempts to construct a relational diagram among risk perception, benefit, trust and knowledge of the public with respect to public acceptance of nuclear power. For this purpose, the countries with experiences with nuclear power operation were also studied with respect to the history of public acceptance.