In 2012, the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management’s International SafeguardsDivision inaugurated a new working group on open source and geospatial informationanalysis and tools with a special technical session dedicated to the topic at the INMMAnnual Meeting and a side meeting of the working group. In the five years since,information technologies to support open source and geospatial analysis have grown anddeveloped at an unprecedented rate, many with applicability to nonproliferationverification activities. This paper will review how open source and geospatial informationanalysis has evolved in the last five years. By presenting some examples, the paper willdiscuss the value that open source and geospatial information have added to nuclearverification activities. While open source and geospatial information have gained inimportance for nonproliferation, further potential applications of informationtechnologies are conceivable, which need to be studied and evaluated thoroughly. Withthat in mind, the paper also aims at posing future objectives and activities for the OpenSource/Geospatial Information Working Group and for the broader community pursuingresearch in this field.