Evaluating a Type B Radioactive Material Packaging to Air Transport Conditions

Bradley M. Loftin - Savannah River National Laboratory
Glenn Abramczyk - Savannah River National Laboratory
John S. Bellamy - Savannah River National Laboratory
Charles A. McKeel - Savannah River National Laboratory
Type B Radioactive Material Packagings (RAM) are designed and built to performance standards under normal conditions of transport (NCT) and hypothetical accident conditions (HAC) as defined by Title 10 Part 71 of the Code of Federal Regulations. Recently, Type B RAM Packages were transported by air. This event raised the question as to the expected performance and resultant condition of these packagings following this experience. This paper discusses the similarities and differences in the regulatory requirements for Type B and air transport packagings and evaluates the performance, both hypothetical and by testing, of the packages that were transported by air.