In order to provide IAEA with higher quality safeguards information such as material accounting data and expanded declaration, structure of SSAC has been improved in Japan for a long time. We have many discussions on how to fulfill the further accountability as the role of the “the National System of Safeguards” in the light of the Article 3(a) of the safeguards agreement between Japan and IAEA under the Integrated Safeguards since it was applied to Japan in 2004. In the results, we concluded that more reliable SSAC should be established by providing enhanced findings on the Article 3(c). Through the establishment of the ISIS-J (Integrated Safeguards Information System in Japan) which has the function of carrying out the overall check the results of safeguards activities, we can improve the correctness and completeness of operator’s information and nuclear material control and accountancy itself, and fulfill the quick accountability for the operator’s nuclear material control results with high reliability. And then, we would achieve to keep improving the transparency of nuclear activities in Japan. There were two essential components to build up the ISIS-J. We did not establish “Japan’s own SG performance guideline” to evaluate results of Japan’s safeguards activities, so that we have started to challenge the drafting the Japan’s own SG performance guideline based on the IAEA SG criteria and Integrated Safeguards approach for every facility type, and to improve it suitable for Japan’s safeguards activities. Secondly, all Japan’s safeguards information, such as results of national inspection, DA analysis and statistical analysis, should be consolidated to overall check included being made for Statement of Inspection Results in accordance with Article 90(a) of the Safeguards Agreement. Computer system for aggregating all Japan’s safeguards information should be constructed. All Japan’s safeguards information could be provided timely and precisely to the IAEA by the computer system. We would like to present the progress of the ISIS-J development in this paper. In addition, it is five-year project for Nuclear Material Control Center (NMCC)/Japan Safeguards Office (JSGO) to be implementation on Safeguards grants in the MEXT’s General Budget.