The ESARDA Integrated Safeguards Working Group has been created in 2000. It is a forum of exchange of views on the implementation of the Additional Protocol as well as on the development of Integrated Safeguards. It has now around 20 members from 8 countries, national authorities and operators, Euratom Safeguards and one observer from Switzerland. The IAEA has also been invited to the meetings and is now a regular participant. Recent work include Additional Protocol declaration, with a focus on site declaration and R/D declaration, feed-back of field trials conducted in Europe, analysis of proposed Integrated Safeguards approaches and issues related to their implementation such as the practicalities for the use of Unannounced Inspection,…. It also worked on analysing the Integrated Safeguards overall framework and its consequences for the European nuclear operators, national authorities and Euratom Safeguards. The rich exchanges during the meetings, nurtured by feed back from experience and actual examples, allow for the emergence of an harmonised view on key issues related to the implementation of the Additional Protocol and the development of integrated safeguards. The Working Group and its members are also willing to share this experience with interested parties in other countries.